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Creative Inspiration Flows In Underwater Photographs

by Meredith Mullins on January 10, 2013

creative inspiration from curious jacks over the sand

Curious Jacks over Sand
© Robin V. Robinson

Artistic Expression from Down Deep

I’ve had this OIC Moment before. A déjà vu of the deep—from growing up with Jacques Cousteau, learning life lessons from Nemo, and visiting aquariums all over the world. The beauty and intrigue of the ocean world is never-ending.

But as I stood in front of the underwater photographs in an exhibit at the Center for Photographic Art in California, I was mesmerized.

These images showed me that an OIC Moment can come again and again. Something familiar, something seen before can always be seen in a new light, with new eyes. Viewing mysterious underwater images that capture the vastness of our planet can be a powerful creative inspiration.

Creative inspiration from a school of curious jack fish

Curious Jacks
© Scott Campbell

Diving into the Images

I lost myself in these images, especially the photos (above) of the Curious Jacks. Suddenly, these fish became personalities. Where were they going? What were they thinking? Who, exactly, were they?

Some looked decidedly grumpy.

Some looked mean.

Some looked determined (places to go and people to see).

Some looked flirtatious.

Some looked detached . . . too cool for school (that’s a fish joke).

Some looked bemused.

Some looked, well, curious.

The Jack groups seemed a bit disordered. They were all headed in a different direction, either fiercely independent or in need of a little leadership. I began to imagine their story:

Was it the lobby of an ocean convention center as strangers converged from far corners of the world?

Or, was it a “city” street where each individual carries his own story or follows her own path?

Or, could it be the moments before a school picture, before the students are ordered into neat rows by a bossy yearbook editor?

What do you see?

Creative inspiration from a fish school

Fish Intensive II
© Robin V. Robinson

How the Photographers Capture the Moment

California photographers Scott Campbell and Robin V. Robinson captured underwater moments that most people do not have the opportunity to experience. Scott’s ability to hold his breath for up to seven minutes allows him to photograph underwater life without the interference of SCUBA equipment.

creative inspiration from a diver alone with a school of fish

Diver and School
© Robin V. Robinson

Robin loves the sense of relaxation during a dive. “Fish don’t have cell phones or email,” she says. “I never feel more present than underwater.” She also welcomes a sense of not knowing what is “out there.”

They both take their creative inspiration from the freedom they feel while underwater and the ability to explore the deepest parts of themselves while they are alone in the vast expanse of the deep.

creative inspiration from a school of barracuda

© Robin V. Robinson

The Spell of the Sea

Scott and Robin’s talent and technical skills in photographing underwater let us feel the quiet, the peace, and the alien quality of the deep. As Jacques Cousteau said:

“The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.”

Lose yourself, as I did, in these photographs. Create your own imaginative stories about life in the underwater world. And may you feel the same inspiration and freedom that these photographers felt as they captured this wondrous world.

Cousteau quote VIA Brainy Quotes

Comment on this post below, or inspire insight with your own OIC Moment here.


4 thoughts on “Creative Inspiration Flows In Underwater Photographs

  1. I’d missed this article. You and Robin should get together underwater and see what you see :)

  2. Thank you, Saelon. It’s often difficult to find words that do justice to the power of visual art, so I very much appreciate your comment.

    It was a very moving exhibit!

  3. Meredith, I saw and loved this show before I saw your review, but reading your review added even more to my enjoyment – much more. Thank you so much for this extremely warm, personal and articulate story about these incredible underwater photographs!

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