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Creative Expression Counts In Search for “Coolest Dad”

by Meredith Mullins on June 13, 2013

Two girls celebrate summer vacation, creative expression by Jason Lee

Happy Father’s Day . . . and summer vacation!
© kristinandkayla.com

What Makes A Good Dad?

Who is the world’s greatest dad?

Abraham Lincoln? Jim Henson? Brad Pitt? Barack Obama?

Hopefully, we all say that the world’s greatest dad is our own. We forgive the flaws and treasure the tender moments.

We honor him on Father’s Day with a “World’s Greatest Dad” mug, a colorful tie (that we hardly ever see him wear), or a handmade gift that makes him oddly silent because of that lump in his throat.

What makes a great dad? Someone who spends time with his kids and is interested in what they do and how they think, someone who teaches by word and example, and someone who is fun and filled with creative expression . . .  and inspires those qualities in a child.

To honor Father’s Day this week-end, here are two dads whose children have much to be thankful for—their dads are really cool!

Multiple sandwich bags, creative expression from David Laferriere

A new art form: sandwich-bag expression.
© David Laferriere

The Sandwich-Bag Artist Dad

Meet David Laferriere, a graphic artist living in Massachusetts. About five years ago, he started creating a surprise each day in his kids’ lunches. Each sandwich had its own special wrapping. The sandwich bags were transformed into art.

The monster sandwich bag, creative expression by David Laferriere

Who wouldn’t want to eat this sandwich?
© David Laferriere

Monsters. Dinosaurs. Mazes. Worms. Robots. Whatever subject inspired Dad for the day became an original sharpie-pen drawing on the sandwich bags.

His kids are the hit of the school lunchroom as they unveil the daily sandwich art to an appreciative crowd of friends.

A maze sandwich bag, creative expression by David Laferriere

© David Laferriere

Now, the collection has grown to more than 1000 different designs. The photographic proof resides on Dad’s Flickr site for posterity.

Has his art evolved over the years (and as his boys have grown older)? You bet.

A worm coming out of the sandwich bag, creative expression by David Laferriere

Exploring the worm frontier.
© David Laferriere

Now, he’s crossing time/space boundaries as he creates worms that seem to be coming out of the sandwich or a hole that exposes a rendering of the sandwich.

Let’s hope his kids eat many more sandwiches to come. There is still so much to be said in the world of sandwich-bag art.

Two girls drinking from a coffee machine, creative expression from Jason Lee

Good to the last drop.
© kristinandkayla.com

The Photographer Dad and His Wild and Crazy Daughters

Meet Jason Lee, a photographer living in the San Francisco Bay area, with his two daughters—Kristin and Kayla.

Seven years ago, he started a photo blog of his daughters to keep their grandmother entertained with their creative daily life.

Two girls reading dummy books, creative expression from Jason Lee

They’re no dummies!
© kristinandkayla.com

The ideas came mostly from the girls or from Dad overhearing the funny things they said or observing the imaginative way they invented their daily entertainment.

The result is one of the most creative photo journals in the blog world today—celebrating holidays and everyday events in the most extraordinary and ingenius ways.

A halloween celebration with two girls, creative expression from Jason Lee

A little flying to celebrate Halloween
© kristinandkayla.com

Will Kristin and Kayla be embarrassed when Dad pulls out the album to show their prom dates? Not a chance. They were collaborators. And, who wouldn’t want to get to know a family that has this much fun.

Quality Time + Clever Ideas = Cool

The Oh, I see Father’s Day moment: Parents can spend quality time with their children in many ways. These two dads happen to be highly original in their creative expression . . . and, well, just plain cool.

Happy Father’s Day!

Other sites of interest on Father’s Day: National Center for Fathering and Parents.

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