Oh, I see! moments
Travel Cultures Language

OIC the Road Ahead and…

by Sheron Long on July 27, 2021

A little sailboat sets sail for an unusual and imaginary island seen in the distance, symbolizing travels to different cultures. (Image © Urvashi9/iStock)

It’s time to set sail for new horizons.

Looking Back, a World Well-Travelled

In the last 9 years, we’ve enjoyed our travels with you to fascinating and often little-known parts of the world—moving across cultures, delighting in different languages, exercising the bilingual brain, and enjoying the insights that came from the ride.

In this—OICs last post—it’s time to say a fond farewell and to wish you well. May you continue to travel the world and discover how stepping into different cultures enriches your life.

Diving Deep Into the Sea of Travel Memories

by Joyce McGreevy on March 31, 2021

A movie theater marquee comments during the pandemic, the epic wait when visions of normal life, travel memories, and other dreams kept hope alive. (Image © Joyce McGreevy)

Worldwide, many people replied to the epic wait with quick wit.
© Joyce McGreevy

Our Epic Wait Reveals What Matters Most

As our voyage back from quarantine nears the shore of normalcy, vaccination sparks anticipation. What are you waiting for? To see friends and loved ones? To return to school or the workplace? To make new travel memories or simply to regain your memories of “ordinary” life? Given our epic wait, we’ve all had time to ponder such questions.

How much time? By my calculations: 2020 to the nth degree, x number of months + the square root of insomnia, minus hours binge-watching gazillion seasons of “Law and Order,” carry the 1 = A LONG DANG TIME.

Into Armchair Travel? Try the Wheredunit of Mystery Books

by Joyce McGreevy on February 23, 2021

Coastal Sicily, the home of fictional detective Montalbano, is a popular destination for armchair travelers who read mystery novels. (Image by Giuseppe Costanza/ Pxhere)

1. Which  Sicilian detective begins his day with espresso and a sunrise swim?
(Answers below the post)
Giuseppe Costanza/ Pxhere

Follow the Clues Around the World!

Pandemically speaking, today’s most favored mode of transport is armchair travel. But must safety rule out excitement? Not when you travel via mystery books. These page-turners whisk you away to virtually any corner of the world.

Stereotypes persist about mystery books. Like the idea that they’re merely puzzles. That the author presents a lineup of suspects, then interposes an obstacle course between the reader and the Big Reveal. You know, cryptic messages, red herrings, butlers arching an eyebrow, bodies falling out of closets, that sort of thing.

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