Oh, I see! moments
Travel Cultures Language

Wild and Woolly Wordplay

by Joyce McGreevy on September 24, 2018

A red panda in Wellington, New Zealand reminds the writer that animal idioms continues to influence everyday language. (Image © Joyce McGreevy)

Red pandas, like this one at the Wellington Zoo, New Zealand, have influenced human language.
© Joyce McGreevy

Animal Idioms Around the World

Animal idioms have burrowed into everyday wordplay since Moses was a pup. It doesn’t take a fisheye lens to get the picture. Animal words prowl the planet.

You don’t have to be a bookworm or wear a deerstalker hat to ferret out examples. A simple mouse click ponies up swarms of animal buzzwords.

Fledgling Phrases

Animal idioms are cross-cultural and nest in every language. Some are as timeless as a phoenix rising from the ashes. Others are newly hatched.

Whose Trip Are You Taking?

by Joyce McGreevy on September 17, 2018

People at a food stand in London remind a writer that travel tips and travel advice don’t outrank personal travel discoveries. (Image © Joyce McGreevy)

Go to that “great little place” or discover your own great little place–it’s your trip. (London)
© Joyce McGreevy

When Travel Tips Hit the Tipping Point

It begins innocently. The planning, the packing, a travel tip or two. “Roll, don’t fold, your clothes.” “If you’re heading to A, you might enjoy B and C.”

Now Sam and Kate are at the airport. They’re excited, eager to make personal travel discoveries on their very first trip overseas. New place, new people, new language, new food, new everything. They post a brief announcement on social media and get numerous “Likes.”

Savoring Summer

by Joyce McGreevy on July 30, 2018

A woman sitting by the Oregon shore suggests why savoring summer can be a life-changing experience. (Image @ Joyce McGreevy)

When’s the last time you took a breather?
© Joyce McGreevy (Featured: Margie McGreevy)

The Life-Changing Experience
of Celebrating the Season

Having a good summer? Or did it register merely as high temperatures while you went about your daily business? Considering the seriousness of world issues and the stress of busy lives, does it even make sense to celebrate this season?

Yes! Savoring summer can be a life-changing experience.

A sun-themed collage evokes the beauty of savoring summer. (Image @ Joyce McGreevy)

Summer sun appears in countless ways.
© Joyce McGreevy

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