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5 Life Hacks Make A Day to Remember

by Bruce Goldstone on January 23, 2014

Seven morning chores—from exercising and changing the cat littler to bringing your lunch, ID, keys, cell phone and reading glasses to work—that you can remember with a mnemonic.

Remember your morning chores—Say CLICKER.
© iStock*

A Mnemonic Device for Every Occasion

A mnemonic device is any trick that helps you remember something you tend to forget. It can be visual, verbal, or both. Use the mnemonics in these 5 life hacks to make your life a little bit easier all day long.

1. How to Remember Your Morning Routine

Tasks pile up in the morning. Suppose you want to remember to exercise, clean the kitty litter, and take your ID, lunch, keys, reading glasses, and cell phone to work.

From Smart Dogs: 10 Lessons for a Happy Life

by Sheron Long on January 2, 2014

Dog laughing, illustrating how learning life lessons from dogs can lead to a happy life. (Image © Dezi Greig)

Want a happy life in 2014? Ask a dog for advice.
© Dezi Grieg

Oh, I See. My Dog Taught Me!

Smart dogs can sit and stay. They can fetch and even speak on cue. But the lessons we humans give to our dogs in one-syllable commands fall way short of the rich life lessons we get in return.

Oh, I See Moments found that out when we asked dog owners to tell us the lessons they’ve learned from their smart, funny, loving and lovable pups.

The World Weighs In On Gift Giving

by Sheron Long on December 2, 2013

Boy chasing after Santa and a gift, illustrating the pressures of the gift-giving season. (Image © Alphaspirit / iStock)

Chasing after the perfect gift
© Alphaspirit / iStock

There’s Wisdom in World Proverbs

The power of a considered gift is stunning. The world has told us that for years:

Gifts break rocks and melt hearts. —Uruguayan

Now that’s a high standard. How am I ever going to melt the hearts of everyone on my list? What happens if gifts exchanged aren’t “equal”? And how can I say “Thanks” and mean it?

I could have talked it over with my dog or asked Emily Post, but instead I decided to consult the whole wide world. Listen in on the conversation.

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