Oh, I see! moments
Travel Cultures Language

Achieving Success One Wave at a Time

by Janine Boylan on May 13, 2013

Girls achieving success through surfing with The Wahine Project

It’s a little easier when someone helps you balance.
Photo courtesy Dionne Ybarra, The Wahine Project

The Wahine Project Knows No Barriers

Surfboards used by girls achieving success in The Wahine Project

Dionne Ybarra + surfboards.
Photo courtesy of Dionne Ybarra, The Wahine Project

Early in the morning, a car with a rooftop rainbow of surfboards pulls into the beach parking lot. A group of sweatshirted girls shifts eagerly, and a little sleepily, from one bare foot to the other in the cold Monterey, California, sand.

Dionne Ybarra steps out of her car, and the girls’ faces light up as she greets them each by name.

Firsts Happen When There’s Courage of Conviction

by Sheron Long on May 2, 2013

Sky showing behind zipper, illustrating firsts that can occur when you show courage of conviction

Reveal the courage of conviction, and push the limits to the sky.
© Hemera

Jason Collins and Wilcox County Teens Push the Limits

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.  —Anaïs Nin

Two recent events, startling by both their similarity and difference, make for this week’s “Oh, I See” Moment in the news. Both events show the courage of conviction, the stuff that firsts are made of.

NBA’s Jason Collins Speaks Up

Jason Collins became the first male athlete on a major professional sports team to share publicly that he is gay.  The acknowledgment was a life-changer even for this game-changing basketball player.

Random Acts of Kindness Flow with “Suspended” Coffee

by Meredith Mullins on April 25, 2013

man drinking large coffee after receiving a random act of kindness of a suspended coffee

Coffee warms the heart and spirit
© Fuse Collection

Starting the Day Off Right

“I’ll have a decaf espresso, a caffe latte, a double decaf cappuccino, and a caffe sospeso.”

This could be a scene from LA Story, a barista’s nightmare, or a reminder of how coffee drinking has taken us into a labyrinthe of choices.

It could be all those things . . . but in this instance it’s an order at a coffee shop, sprinkled with a random act of kindness.

Caffe Sospeso: “Suspended Coffee”

The hidden gift in this order is caffe sospeso, an Italian tradition born in Naples that is taking hold around the world.

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