Oh, I see! moments
Travel Cultures Language

Five Sure-Fire Ways to Break the Language Barrier

by Eva Boynton on April 13, 2015

A circle of people's hands holding coffee on a table with an image of the world in the middle, showing the connections formed by breaking the language barrier. (Image © Wavebreak Media/Thinkstock )

Dive into cross-cultural connections by bringing a bridge language to the table.
© Wavebreak Media/Thinkstock

Find Your Own Lingua Franca

My best travel connections have had little to do with making a flight and everything to do with making friends.

Like many, I was intimidated by the idea of traveling in a country where my language is not spoken. But I took off anyway and found ways to communicate with local citizens, establishing a kind of lingua franca, or bridge language, that neither of us spoke.

Soon I was breaking the language barrier and making the kind of personal connections that become the best souvenirs. Here are my top five strategies.

Life Changes When A Brain Goes Bilingual

by Sheron Long on July 29, 2014

Shape of the Western hemisphere in an eye, illustrating how life changes and the world view expands for people with a bilingual brain. (Image © Stockbyte)

Oh, how the view of your world expands!
© Stockbyte

Power Up! Know the 6 “Warming” Signs

The bilingual brain is hot! Powered by two or more languages, it leads to a series of life changes. Should you embark on this adventure, recognize the 6 “warming” signs and get set to become a different person.

#1  You Start to Zag

Growing up, you get pretty good at zigging, doing things the usual way. But once you start communicating in a second language, you have to find fast work-arounds. The very thing you want to say requires a word you don’t yet know.

Chalk It Up to Dangerdust

by Meredith Mullins on July 21, 2014

Paul Klee chalkboard, life lessons via inspirational quotes and chalk art by Dangerdust.

A line is a dot that went for a walk—Paul Klee
© Dangerdust

Life Lessons in the World of Chalk Art

It’s after midnight. The classrooms at Columbus College of Art and Design are deserted and dark. All we hear is the unexpected sound of chalk on chalkboard.

Two shadowy figures, in a small pool of light, are hard at work on their weekly masterpiece. Vandals? Some might say so. But they are vandals of the best kind— capable of beautiful chalk art integrated with inspiring life lessons.

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