Oh, I see! moments
Travel Cultures Language

How Creative Thinking Kicks The Soccket Ball to Success

by Sheron Long on November 7, 2013

Brain-shaped light bulb symbolizing the power of creative thinking to solve problems

When brain power lights up and creative thinking flows, people find the
good ideas that solve perplexing problems.
© iStock

Powered by Play

In 2008, for an engineering project at Harvard, Jessica O. Matthews teamed up with Julia Silverman, to prototype a soccer ball that traps kinetic energy during play and then turns the energy into a light source.

They called it the SOCCKET because a light inserted into the ball uses the stored energy for power. Thirty minutes of play harnesses enough energy to power a LED light for three hours.

Signs of the Time

by Meredith Mullins on October 24, 2013

Painted man holding up street marker, artistic expression by a street artist (Image © Jerry Fielder)

It’s a tough job, but someone has to hold up those street signs.
Photo © Jerry Fielder

Artistic Expression Takes to the Streets

Daily life is filled with “Oh, I See” Moments. You just have to look around.  What you often stumble upon is spontaneous artistic expression—offered to make a day in the streets just a little bit more interesting.

Artists of the street make art for themselves, but they also hope that someone else will connect with what they do and be surprised or amused or moved by the unexpected.

Past Meets Present in Creative Photography Series

by Meredith Mullins on September 19, 2013

Old photo blended with modern scene of the Washington D.C. Capitol building, from a creative photography series about past meets present (Image © Jason Powell)

Capitol Cornucopia, Washington D.C.
© Jason Powell

Looking into the Past: There’s a Little Time Travel in All of Us

Which comes first—the past or the present? The answer to this question may seem obvious. But when you’re involved in time travel (and creativity), the sequence is not always clear.

Jason Powell’s photographs challenge us to think about time. How things change. How they stay the same. How the past and the present fit together. What we remember and what we forget.

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