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OIC’s Greatest Hits: Different Eyes on the World

by Your friends at OIC on May 3, 2021

5 Everyday Ways That Cultures Show Their Differences

People in every culture celebrate, greet each other, share stories and good food together, fall in love, honor their ancestors, play music and sports, name babies, and more. But the customs—the do’s and taboos—surrounding these universal activities are a remarkable reveal into how varied and ingenious different cultures can be.

Culture reveals itself even in mundane ways from what communities show on their road signs to how people cook their onions or describe a downpour.  At OIC, we say no one way is the “correct” way. And here, in our latest collection of “Greatest Hits,” our bloggers prove it with their observations and insights on everyday cultural differences. May they inspire you to look at the world with new eyes.


1. Oh Deer! Road Signs in Different Cultures

Sheron Long contends that warning signs along the world’s roads show more about different cultures and geographies than you might think!


2. Do You Know Your Onions?

Today, most world cuisines are built on a base of onions. Joyce McGreevy examines how onions have rooted themselves across so many different cultures, sometimes in surprising ways. Find insight and a free recipe download, too.


3. Same Animal + Different Cultures = Surprise!

Just how many lives does a cat have? It depends on the culture, 9 in the USA but 7 in Mexico. Bruce Goldstone has more enlightenment on how animal symbols and sayings vary across cultures.


4. Grand Openings

Joyce McGreevy leads a cross-cultural tour of doors and windows around the world, revealing their differences and unlocking their stories ready for the telling.


5. Culture Smart: Is the Rain in Spain the Same?

The same rain may fall on different cultures in the world, but people describe it in different and colorful ways. One thing, however, remains the same—it’s always wet!


Want to explore more about different cultures? Check out our Blog Topics & Archive section for all our enriching and inspiring culture posts.


Photo credits: faces, Gerd Altman/Pixabay;  deer sign, Simon Gurney/iStock; onions, Joyce McGreevy; falling cat, Deshy/iStock; round door, Joyce McGreevy; umbrellas, Gregor Kervina/Hemera. 


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