Oh, I see! moments
Travel Cultures Language

Life-Changing Experiences of A Royal Molecatcher

by Meredith Mullins on May 9, 2013

Jérôme Dormion, at work in Versailles, with shovel, traps, and molehills in his job as Royal Molecatcher, full of life-changing experiences.

Molecatcher to the King, Jérôme Dormion, at work at Versailles
© Meredith Mullins

The Versailles Version of Whack-A-Mole

Is becoming a molecatcher one of those life-changing experiences?

For Jérôme Dormion, the answer is a resounding and royal yes.

Jérôme has a great job. He goes to work at a palace. He gets free reign over the Versailles grounds, one of the most beautiful landscapes in France. And, as if that weren’t enough, he is honored with the official title: “Molecatcher to the King.”

Palace of Versailles, where Royal Molecatcher, Jérôme Dormion, has his life-changing experiences.

The Palace of Versailles, a 17th century expression of “the good life” by Louis XIV
© Meredith Mullins

Yoga Poses Take This Optical Illusion Out for a Spin

by Janine Boylan on May 6, 2013

creative process for human motorcycle optical illusion with yoga poses

Progressive International Motorcycle Shows ad campaign
photo © Holland Norkoski

The Creative Process Unlocked

What do yoga and motorcycles have in common?

San Diego advertising firm, i.d.e.a., brought the two together and added a bit of paint. Presto! Human motorcycles.

Oh, I see the optical illusion! Do you?

But how did they come up with the concept of a human motorcycle?

Forming the Plan

i.d.e.a. was given the task of creating an ad campaign for Progressive International Motorcycle Shows. They wanted to represent the different types of bikes at the shows but in a modern and racy way.

Firsts Happen When There’s Courage of Conviction

by Sheron Long on May 2, 2013

Sky showing behind zipper, illustrating firsts that can occur when you show courage of conviction

Reveal the courage of conviction, and push the limits to the sky.
© Hemera

Jason Collins and Wilcox County Teens Push the Limits

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.  —Anaïs Nin

Two recent events, startling by both their similarity and difference, make for this week’s “Oh, I See” Moment in the news. Both events show the courage of conviction, the stuff that firsts are made of.

NBA’s Jason Collins Speaks Up

Jason Collins became the first male athlete on a major professional sports team to share publicly that he is gay.  The acknowledgment was a life-changer even for this game-changing basketball player.

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